Quotes from Bill Gates
Being flooded with information doesn't mean we have the right information or that we're in touch with the right people.
- Bill Gates
The Wright Brothers created the single greatest cultural force since the invention of writing. The airplane became the first World Wide Web, bringing people, languages, ideas, and values together.
- Bill Gates
The quality of research in the U.S. is absolutely the best.
- Bill Gates
Innovation is a good thing. The human condition - put aside bioterrorism and a few footnotes - is improving because of innovation.
- Bill Gates
If you count E-mail, I'm on the Internet all day, every day.
- Bill Gates
We all know that there are these exemplars who can take the toughest students, and they'll teach them two-and-a-half years of math in a single year.
- Bill Gates
But I hope you'll spend more time and energy supporting whatever you're in favor of than opposing whatever you're against.
- Bill Gates
Whatever other resources you may have, you can always use your voice and your vote to effect change.
- Bill Gates
This is great
- Bill Gates
times with follow-up questions. Eventually it sank in. The world needs to provide more energy so the poorest can thrive, but we need to provide that energy without releasing any more greenhouse gases. Now the problem seemed even harder. It wasn't enough to deliver cheap, reliable energy for the poor. It also had to be clean.
- Bill Gates
Solar cells, for example, got almost 10 times cheaper between 2010 and 2020, and the price of a full solar system went down by 11 percent in 2019 alone.
- Bill Gates
In the coming years, as electricity becomes an even bigger part of our overall energy diet, we'll need models like these for grids around the world. They'll help us answer questions like: Which mix of clean energy sources will be the most efficient in a given place? Where should transmission lines go? Which regulations stand in the way, and what incentives do we need to create? I hope to see a lot more projects like this one.
- Bill Gates