Quotes from John Bevere
Love forgets wrongs so that there is hope for the future.
- John Bevere
The Spirit of God is jealous over us; He doesn't want superficial fellowship, but genuine intimacy.
- John Bevere
An offended heart is the breeding ground of deception.
- John Bevere
Trees endure the hot sun and rainstorms by sending their roots down deeper. The adversity they face is eventually the source of great stability. The harshness of the elements surrounding them causes them to seek another source of life. They will one day come to the place that even the greatest of windstorms cannot affect their ability to produce fruit.
- John Bevere
True humility is absolute obedience and dependence on God. It puts Him first, others second, and ourselves third in all things.
- John Bevere
The knowledge of God's Word without love is a destructive force because it puffs us up with pride and legalism (1 Cor. 8:1-3). This causes us to justify ourselves rather than repent of the unforgiveness.
- John Bevere
Do we honor them for the extras? No, a thousand times no. We [honor them] because God gave us the charge to honor all.
- John Bevere
Yet often these people who are "on our side" are offended as well. So, instead of helping, we stack additional stones on our existing walls. Without our knowing when it happens, these walls of protection become a prison. At that point, we are not only cautious about who comes in, but in terror we cannot venture outside our fortress.
- John Bevere
If there are two churches next to each other, and you know in one of them you might hear words that will deal pointedly with your sinful behavior, and in the other you will only hear an uplifting, encouraging word, you'll pick the latter. This is what Paul said would eventually happen—people would choose good over God. The correct question is not what is more desirable, but what is more beneficial?
- John Bevere
When an offense occurs, a debt is owed. You have heard it said, "He'll pay for this." So forgiveness is like the cancellation of a debt.
- John Bevere
It doesn't matter how good something looks, how happy it makes you, how much fun it is, how rich and successful you'll become, how deeply spiritual it appears, how sensible it seems, how popular or accepted it is—and the list goes on and on. If something is contrary to the wisdom (or Word) of God, it will ultimately be detrimental and bring sorrow to your life.
- John Bevere
Jesus said, "It is impossible that no offenses should come" (Luke 17:1). It is not a question of opportunity to be offended, but what your response will be. It is an unfortunate fact that, not some, but many are offended and held captive.
- John Bevere