Quotes from John Bevere
Should I not partake of anything the world consumes? If so, how can I live and function in this world?
- John Bevere
What we don't keep in focus before us eventually fades.
- John Bevere
Dear brothers and sisters, what's the use of saying you have faith if you don't prove it by your actions? That kind of faith can't save anyone. It isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all—it is dead and useless.
- John Bevere
The proof that we believe something isn't when we agree with what someone teaches us, it's when we act on it.
- John Bevere
In God's eyes, partial or selective obedience is the same as rebellion to His authority. It is the evidence of a lack of the fear of God!
- John Bevere
Those who truly believe will exhibit a changed nature and no longer produce the fruit of an evil one.
- John Bevere
Conduct a study for yourself of the personal prophecies found in the New Testament. You will find only a few, and most dealt with chains, tribulations, and death that awaited those who would bring glory to God. (See John 21:18—19; Acts 20:22—23; Acts 21:10—11.) Quite different from many of the personal prophecies of today!
- John Bevere
When Jesus questioned, "Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say?" He was actually saying, "Do not deceive yourself by calling Me 'Lord' while you continue to live your life as if you owned it.
- John Bevere
He quickly responded, "A person with a religious spirit is one who uses My Word to execute his own will!" In other words, it is when we take what the Lord has said and work our own desires into it.
- John Bevere
Everything from God is good, but not everything good is from God.
- John Bevere
Finally, there are numerous choices and ways that seem good, but their final outcome is sorrow, misery, loss, and death (see Proverbs 14:12). Think of it: our enemy, his servants, and his ways—all of which ultimately seek our demise—are all disguised as good. Scripture doesn't say they can be disguised, but rather that they are disguised. So do not miss this: usually, what is most dangerous to you will not appear as blatant evil. Rather, it will mask itself as good. In
- John Bevere
Our response to an offense determines our future.
- John Bevere