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Quotes from John Bevere

If we do not carry God's truth and light to this world, no one will.
- John Bevere
What good is it to acknowledge Jesus Christ when there is no change of heart and therefore no change in action?
- John Bevere
When the church is infected and diseased with a lack of the fear of the Lord, it will be unable to help society.
- John Bevere
"The Lord your God will then make you successful in everything you do" (Deuteronomy 30:9 NLT). Notice the word everything, not some things!
- John Bevere
There's no escaping the adversity waiting for each of us if we follow the path of Jesus. The stakes are high and the eternal rewards priceless. You have a vicious enemy who, to put it bluntly, wants to destroy your influence and wreck your God-assigned mission. As far as Satan's concerned, you are a threat and need to be stopped—indeed, he will be happy when you are "dead."
- John Bevere
As you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. (Colossians 2:6—7 NLT)
- John Bevere
In their Christian walk, many believers have bought into maintaining rather than multiplying—just barely getting by instead of experiencing abundance.
- John Bevere
Faith says, I trust You even though I don't understand.
- John Bevere
Liberty is to be used to serve others. There is freedom in serving but bondage in slavery. A slave is one who has to serve, while a servant is one who lives to serve.
- John Bevere
Happy and blessed is the person who knows their gifts and operates in them. Miserable and stressed is the person who tries to operate in someone else's gifts.
- John Bevere
But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it." (Matthew 7:13—14 TEV)
- John Bevere
We give our lives completely because we are confident of His perfect leadership, character, and love and that He knows what's best. Though He intensely desires our freedom and loves us perfectly, He is the King of all kings and Lord of all lords and will not come into our lives as second to anything or anyone else.
- John Bevere