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Quotes from John Bevere

If you search for an escape route before understanding why God has you in a particularly dry situation, you unwittingly will prolong your wilderness time.
- John Bevere
John, I'm not saying that if you keep My commandments, you prove to Me that you love Me," He said. "I already know whether you love Me or not! What I'm saying is if a man falls head over heels in love with Me, he will be the one enabled to keep My commandments!
- John Bevere
Complex faith does not kill giants. It imprisons us in "wonder" land where we try to figure out what we cannot change and hesitate to make any move.
- John Bevere
There's One Person above all others who desires an extraordinary life for you. He is a Father who delights, like any good father, in the achievements and happiness of His children. His name is God! And nothing will please Him more than seeing you reach your highest potential.
- John Bevere
Whenever our pursuit is for blessings instead of for the Lord, He will remove or withhold so that we will cry out for Him again.
- John Bevere
God didn't introduce grace as free gift, salvation, or forgiveness of sins. Let me be clear, I am forever grateful for these amazing benefits. But they are all brought out later in the New Testament. God introduced grace as the impartation of the fullness of Christ. This speaks of possessing the nature and empowerment (John 1:16)
- John Bevere
We cannot separate our submission to God's inherent authority from our submission to His delegated authority. All authority originates from Him! Hear what the Scripture admonishes: Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. (Rom. 13:1—2)
- John Bevere
Our lives must be submitted to and built upon His position of lordship, not upon His work as Savior.
- John Bevere
We want Jesus to come to our house, but we're going to question Him when He gets there.
- John Bevere
This awesome, mighty God, who has just created the universe and put the stars in place with His fingers, now comes to a little speck of a planet called Earth and makes what appears to be a tiny insignificant speck of dust into the body of a man.
- John Bevere
Remember that God has given you today and that the choices you make today will shape your tomorrow—not your yesterday.
- John Bevere
I believe this angel cries out, What is this that You are so interested in and fondly affectionate toward? What is that little thing that is constantly on Your mind-the total focus of Your plans?
- John Bevere