Quotes from John Bevere
When the plan of God for my life causes me to face my hurts and wrongful attitudes, I will not run from these things but will find healing and restoration from dealing with my hurts through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- John Bevere
Love forgets wrongs and gives hope for the future. I commit my life to loving others and to finding opportunities for restoration, healing, and peace.
- John Bevere
The king was to read the Word of God every day. Why? God's wisdom and honor were to be established in his heart so that he would esteem God's ways above man's ideas.
- John Bevere
Music plays a significant, key role in cultivating an atmosphere for the presence of the Lord. It has the ability to open and prepare a person's heart.
- John Bevere
The promise is nothing without Your presence!
- John Bevere
It is an infallible truth that if we do not fear God, we will be afraid of Him at the revelation of His glory, for every knee shall bow to Him, if not out of godly fear then out of terror.
- John Bevere
Backsliding begins when we find ourselves indifferent to the Scriptures and things of God. It happens when we find ourselves more excited about natural things than the things of God.
- John Bevere
Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. (James 1:16—17)
- John Bevere
We must return to the teachable nature of our first love.
- John Bevere
There is nothing good for you outside of God's wisdom or Word, nothing at all.
- John Bevere
I believe that no one dared to join themselves to Jesus until they had counted the cost. There was no more joining for self-seeking reasons. They came to the Lord because of who He was, not because of what He could do.
- John Bevere
Our proper order for bearing His presence is found in the recesses of the heart. It is within the heart we must prepare, for God is about to reveal His glory on earth like it has never been seen before.
- John Bevere