Quotes from John Bevere
Grace is not merely a God-given cover-up of our sin. It empowers us to live like Jesus, to rule in this life by manifesting heaven's authority and power to change our world of influence.
- John Bevere
True love doesn't flatter; it's truthful.
- John Bevere
When we pester the Lord after He has already clearly shown His will, He may step back and allow us to have our way even though it does not correspond with His original plan. When our hearts are set on a course of action, God will grant us permission, though He knows we will later answer for the course we choose.
- John Bevere
There is the prophetic ministry of promise born of the will of the Father and there is the prophetic ministry born of flesh and the will of man. Though both are conceived through a genuine desire to fulfil God's plan and promise, the one birthed by flesh must be maintained by flesh while the one birthed by the Spirit will be sustained by the Spirit. Flesh reproduces flesh and therefore speaks directly to the desires of man. Spirit reproduces spirit and therefore speaks forth the desire of God.
- John Bevere
Use your liberty in Christ to set others free, not to assert your own rights.
- John Bevere
Never forget: it is not just outward obedience that God desires, but a broken and contrite heart, one that thirsts and hungers for the will of God.
- John Bevere
God has brought His Church into the wilderness. Spiritually, America is a dry and thirsty land. Our time of testing is at hand. God once again watches to see whether His people will seek His face or His hand. His face represents His character and nature; it denotes a relationship. His hand represents His provision and power. If you seek only His hand, you may not recognize His face. But if you know the face, you will know His hand.
- John Bevere
I believe we are trying to understand kingdom principles with a democratic mindset. It is programmed into our core thinking and reasoning. God is a dictator. Thankfully he is a benevolent one. but he has the final say in all aspects of lifeā¦..If we are going to try and follow God, we simply cannot use democratic reasoning in the way we respond to his leadership.
- John Bevere
It's possible to want intellectual stimulation, emotional gratification and social usefulness but not to want God. Because if you really want God in your life, you have to give up your own will, and that shows us the difference between someone who is actually trying to use God and someone who is trying to serve God. to use God is to seek him for what we can get out of Him. To serve God, is to be entirely motivated by our love for him.
- John Bevere
Jesus never used the benefits of the kingdom to entice people to follow him. When he called Peter, James, John, and the others, it wasn't follow me for what I can do for you, it was follow me for who I am.
- John Bevere
The more extensive our comprehension of God's greatness (though in itself it is incomprehensible), the greater our capacity for fear or reverence of Him.
- John Bevere
To fear God we must both know and obey His ways above all else.
- John Bevere