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Quotes from John Bevere

True love is founded in the truth of who God really is.
- John Bevere
Pride keeps you from dealing with truth. It distorts your vision. You never change when you think everything is fine. Pride hardens your heart and dims the eyes of your understanding. It keeps you from the change of heart--repentance--that will set you free.
- John Bevere
When we possess solely a head knowledge, two things can happen: (1) we are easily susceptible to hype or emotionalism, or (2) we are bound by our intellect.
- John Bevere
We probably don't have to convince you that your spouse isn't perfect. No one is! But mistakes create opportunities for us to extend God's grace. Our willingness to forgive is one of the greatest evidences of Christ within us.
- John Bevere
We should not serve the Lord for what He can do but rather for who He is and what He has already done for us.
- John Bevere
The accurate measurement of our true spiritual condition lies in our actual obedience to His will.
- John Bevere
Jesus makes it clear that to follow Him, we must first count the cost. There is a price to following Jesus, and He makes the amount certain. The price is nothing short of our lives!
- John Bevere
In regard to empowerment, grace gives us the ability to go beyond our natural ability. We didn't have the ability to deliver ourselves from hell; grace did. We shouldn't live in freedom, but grace enables us. We couldn't change our nature; grace did. We don't have the ability to live holy, but grace enables us. No wonder we call it amazing!
- John Bevere
Yes, salvation is a gift that cannot be bought or earned. However, you cannot retain it if you do not give your entire life in exchange for it! Even a gift must be protected from being lost or stolen.
- John Bevere
But ground will produce only what is planted in it. If we plant seeds of debt, unforgiveness, and offense, another root will spring up in place of the love of God. It is called the root of bitterness.
- John Bevere
A true believer, a disciple, lays down his life completely for the Master. Disciples are steadfast to the end. Converts and onlookers may desire the benefits and blessings, but they lack the endurance to last to the end. Eventually they will fade away.
- John Bevere
All true worship is anchored in a reverence for His presence.
- John Bevere