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Quotes from Karl Barth

On observing 1963 America for the first time, the author says that organization and standardization to a certain degree compete with divine providence.
- Karl Barth
But, even in this concrete relationship to the Son of God become man, this is really something new only in so far as it expresses the revelation of what began to be true with the Incarnation and has never since ceased to be true.
- Karl Barth
Religion may be a private affair, but the woik and word of God are the reconciliation of the world with God, as it was performed in Jesus Christ.
- Karl Barth
In the Credo the Church bows before that God Whom we did not seek and find—Who rather has sought and found us.
- Karl Barth
Theology must have the character of a living procession.
- Karl Barth
Creation is grace: a statement at which we should like best to pause in reverence, fear and gratitude. God does not grudge the existence of the reality distinct from Himself; He does not grudge it its own reality, nature and freedom.
- Karl Barth
the concrete actuality of God's revelation in Word and Act.
- Karl Barth
The area of the Church stands in the world, as outwardly the Church stands in the village or in a city, beside the school, the cinema and the railway station. The Church's language cannot aim at being an end in itself. It must be made clear that the Church exists for the sake of the world, that the light is shining in the darkness.
- Karl Barth
Heaven is the creation inconceivable to man; earth is the creation conceivable to him.
- Karl Barth
Describing the relationship between the biblical witnesses and the theologians who come after, the author challenges that the theologian is not to correct the notebooks of the biblical writers like some high school teacher. Instead, our theology is always subject to what THEY say, as we willingly submit our notebooks for their approval.
- Karl Barth
There is not other relation to God save that which appears upon the road along which Job travelled.
- Karl Barth
The lifting up of themselves for which he gives them freedom is not a movement which is formless, or to which they themselves have to give the necessary form. It takes place in a definite form and direction. Similarly, their looking to Jesus as their Lord is not an idle gaping. It is a vision that stimulates those to whom it is given to a definite action.
- Karl Barth