Quotes from Karl Barth
There is a notion that complete impartiality is the most fitting and indeed the normal disposition for true exegesis, because it guarantees a complete absence of prejudice. For a short time, around 1910, this idea threatened to achieve almost canonical status in Protestant theology. But now we can quite calmly describe it as merely comical.
- Karl Barth
The very names Kierkegaard, Luther, Calvin, Paul and Jeremiah suggest what Schleiermacher never possessed, a clear and direct apprehension of the truth that man is made to serve God and not God to serve man.
- Karl Barth
Exactly halfway between exegesis and practical theology stands dogmatics
- Karl Barth
In the Credo the Church bows before that God Whom we did not seek and find—Who rather has sought and found us. Now
- Karl Barth
To wish to withstand the Holy Spirit would be the one unforgivable sin.
- Karl Barth
Christendom and the theological world were always ill-advised in thinking it their duty for some reason or other, either of enthusiasm or of theological conception, to pitch their tents in opposition to reason.
- Karl Barth
Thou shalt make no image, no abstraction, including none of THE American, THE Swiss, THE German.
- Karl Barth
God transcends even the undertakings of evangelical theologians.
- Karl Barth
The Christian Church does not exist in Heaven, but on earth and in time.
- Karl Barth
The church speaks finally in that it prays for the world.
- Karl Barth
Agape is related to Eros, as Mozart to Beethoven. How could they possibly be confused? Agape
- Karl Barth
In dogmatics our question is: What are we to think and say?
- Karl Barth