Quotes from Terri Blackstock
You can't just check out and think it will all be over. It won't be over for anyone who loves you. You'll only leave them to run after the pieces that scatter in the angry wind. You'll leave them desperately trying to solve the problems you wouldn't . . . all while plugging their own wounds. Even if you're like me, single without children, you could impact generations. Is quick relief worth it?
- Terri Blackstock
The Lord sometimes uses sorrow in our lives to deepen us," Miss Lucy says. "This is one of those times." "Why do we have to be deep?" I wonder aloud. Miss Lucy looks at me as if she's never considered that question. "Because what good are we if we're shallow? He can use us when we have some depth. He had sorrows, so why shouldn't we?
- Terri Blackstock
I do kind of wish he had chosen another way to do it. But I'll take grace anywhere I can get it.
- Terri Blackstock
It's time to start storing up our treasures in heaven, instead of hoarding them on earth.
- Terri Blackstock
This town has so many blessings from God, but if we do something stupid out of greed, we could destroy those blessings.
- Terri Blackstock
God will help you," Maggie said. "He's just waiting to be asked.
- Terri Blackstock
Maybe God was about to show him what he was made of.
- Terri Blackstock
Nate Beckett is a man I will point to when my daughter asks me what kind of man she should marry.
- Terri Blackstock
Take 2 heaping cups of Patience 1 heart full of Love 2 handfuls of Generosity Sprinkle with Kindness Add plenty of Faith Mix well and spread over a period of a lifetime and serve everybody you meet.
- Terri Blackstock
She pulls upright, wiping her face 'But that's another one of those clichés I don't get. The light. I feel it sometimes. It makes sense that you have to beat back the darkness, but I just don't understand why there's darkness in the first place. Sometimes I feel like the world has fractured into a million pieces and they're closing in on me, and I have to push each piece back with my hands and my feet and my head to keep it from squeezing me to death.
- Terri Blackstock
she had wondered if any of his Christianity was true. Had it all been a cover? A way to network and look honest? Or had he truly loved Jesus, but found ways to compartmentalize the sin in his life as so many others did?
- Terri Blackstock
He was bitter about many things, but not about God. He still prayed constantly. Still went to church. Still reminded her that God loved her and was watching.
- Terri Blackstock