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Quotes from Rob Bell

It's possible to have emptied your savings account and be living in your friend's basement riding your bike everywhere because you can't afford a car and yet feel like you're bursting with vitality. It's also possible to have lots of money in the bank, living in the house you had custom built, going on expensive vacations to exotic places, and yet you're miserable.
- Rob Bell
saw how in the story about Moses and the burning bush, Moses doesn't take his sandals off because suddenly the ground becomes holy. The ground had been holy the whole time. The story is about Moses becoming aware of it.
- Rob Bell
Your days in power are numbered because the deepest forces of the universe are on the side of the oppressed, the underdog, and the powerless
- Rob Bell
Boredom, cynicism, and despair are spiritual diseases because they disconnect us from the most primal truth about ourselves—that we are here.
- Rob Bell
read the story in the book of Genesis about Jacob waking up from a dream and saying, Surely God was in this place, and I, I wasn't aware of it. Jacob is waking up from a dream, but he's waking up in a larger sense as well, to the divine presence in all of life.
- Rob Bell
All work is ultimately creative work because all of us are taking part in the ongoing creation of the world. There's
- Rob Bell
read in the Psalms, The earth is the LORD's and everything in it.
- Rob Bell
Agape doesn't need a reason.
- Rob Bell
This is a pattern. Something bonded with something like it, and that introduced something new, something more complex, something that previously didn't exist. Something the universe had never seen before. All because of a drive. A drive to bond, to unite, to come together. Where does this drive come from? It comes from within. This
- Rob Bell
It's very common to hear talk about heaven framed in terms of who "gets in" or how to "get in." What we find Jesus teaching, over and over and over again, is that he's interested in our hearts being transformed, so that we can actually handle heaven.
- Rob Bell
We crave coming together and connecting with others because this is what the entire universe has been doing for billions and billions and billions of years.
- Rob Bell
it's through Moses that God makes four promises to these slaves. I will take you out. I will rescue you. I will redeem you. I will take you to me. There's a reason why these four promises are so significant — they're the promises a Jewish groom makes to a Jewish bride. This is wedding language.
- Rob Bell