Quotes from Deepak Chopra
The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer. We create our bodies as we create the experience of our world.
- Deepak Chopra
Your fellow man is your mirror. If your own face is clean, the image you perceive will also be flawless.
- Deepak Chopra
The healthiest people were those who didn't spend money that they hadn't earned, to buy things that they didn't need, to impress people that they didn't like.
- Deepak Chopra
Don't spend money that you don't have to impress people that you don't like
- Deepak Chopra
Ecstasy carries you completely outside your ego boundaries. In ecstasy you know yourself as cosmic ego, unbounded in time and space.
- Deepak Chopra
Inner silence promotes clarity of mind; It makes us value the inner world; It trains us to go inside to the source of peace and inspiration when we are faced with problems and challenges.
- Deepak Chopra
Accept what comes to you totally & completely so that you can appreciate it, learn from it & then let it go.
- Deepak Chopra
In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.
- Deepak Chopra
Our biological rhythms are the symphony of the cosmos, music embedded deep within us to which we dance, even when we can't name the tune.
- Deepak Chopra
Our essential nature is pure consciousness, the infinite source of everything that exists in the physical world.
- Deepak Chopra
Today wherever you go, carry the intention of peace, love, and harmony in your heart.
- Deepak Chopra
I think we will never find ultimate happiness. But I see a world of peace, harmony, laughter, love and non-violence and the elimination of poverty.
- Deepak Chopra