Quotes from David Starkey
I believe young people need rules. They will respond to discipline.
- David Starkey
In the early 60s, you read your essays to your supervisor rather than hand them in. I was both lazy and clever, and realised I didn't need to write essays at all, I could simply talk with some notes in front of me.
- David Starkey
Family really meant almost nothing to me for many years but then, to my enormous surprise, when I met my partner James I found myself re-engaging and re-connecting. My mother died in 1977 but I got to know my father as an adult, and he got on well with James. A rapprochement with my whole family followed.
- David Starkey
You could say that my life since has been a sustained act of luxurious rebellion.
- David Starkey
If all the people of this country, black and white alike, are to enter fully into our national story, as I desperately hope they will, they must do so on terms of reciprocity.
- David Starkey
I enjoy cooking, but stick to modern dishes.
- David Starkey
To footnote properly takes time.
- David Starkey
I've got no problem with getting history wrong for a purpose - Shakespeare often got things wrong for a reason. But it's the randomised arrogance of ignorance of 'The Tudors.' Shame on the BBC for producing it.
- David Starkey
Freedom of speech wasn't won by being nice, it has been won by struggle with religion.
- David Starkey
I was outrageous on the 'Moral Maze.' The closest I sailed to the wind was when I almost outed a most saintly Cardinal in a talk on homosexuality in public life.
- David Starkey
Television is a performance, but apps actually reflect thought processes.
- David Starkey
I was born a cripple, with two club feet, and mild polio in the left leg. I was in orthopaedic boots right through to my teenage years and, unfortunately, the fashion then was for light shoes. I discovered very quickly that I had a sharp mind and an exceedingly sharp tongue.
- David Starkey