Quotes from Wendell Berry
I have, to fill my mind and occupy my hands, the daily rounds of my economy. I have food to harvest and preserve in the summer and fall, firewood to gather and saw up and split in the fall and winter, the garden to prepare and plant in the spring. I have clothes and bedclothes to wash, and myself to keep clean and presentable. I have the endless little jobs of housekeeping and repair... I have books to read, and much to sit and watch.
- Wendell Berry
It is possible, as I have learned again and again, to be in one's place, in such company, wild or domestic, and with such pleasure, that one cannot think of another place that one would prefer to be—or of another place at all. One does not miss or regret the past, or fear or long for the future. Being there is simply all, and is enough. Such times give one the chief standard and the chief reason for one's work.
- Wendell Berry
The environment," as we call it, is intimately with us. We're in it. It's in us. But also we are it, and it is us.
- Wendell Berry
Make a poem that does not disturb the silence from which it came.
- Wendell Berry
We don't need much imagination to imagine that to be free of hatred, of enmity, of the endless and hopeless effort to oppose violence with violence, would be to have life more abundantly. To be free of indifference would be to have life more abundantly. To be free of the insane rationalizations for our desire to kill one another-that surely would be to have life more abundantly.
- Wendell Berry
The survivors of the old life come to pay their respects. The neighbors, old and young, come. People who have moved away, maybe a long time ago, come back. You see people you knew when you were young and now don't recognize, people who may never come back again, people you may never see again. We feel the old fabric torn, pulling apart, and we know how much we have loved each other.
- Wendell Berry
She was another gift, surely, to us all. She was a happiness that made me cry.
- Wendell Berry
But a man with a machine and inadequate culture—such as I was when I made my pond—is a pestilence. He shakes more than he can hold.
- Wendell Berry
What can't be helped must be endured.
- Wendell Berry
But this is not the story of a life. It is the story of lives, knit together, overlapping in succession, rising again from grave after grave.
- Wendell Berry
Woods I part the out thrusting branches and come in beneath the blessed and the blessing trees. Though I am silent there is singing around me. Though I am dark there is vision around me. Though I am heavy there is flight around me.
- Wendell Berry
She mourns for the future, as the past has taught her. And yet there is a rejoicing in her, persistent and unbidden as the beating of her heart.
- Wendell Berry