Quotes from Alan Redpath
All of the Lord Jesus Christ is mine at the moment of conversion, but I possess only as much of Him as by faith I claim.
- Alan Redpath
The little slogan, "Let go, and let God," is not what the New Testament teaches—at least that is only part of the truth, for the act of total submission to the sovereignty of Jesus Christ is but the beginning of a new régime in your heart. No longer is the puppet king Self upon the throne, but the great King of kings and Lord of lords has stepped in to take over the government of your life.
- Alan Redpath
children to press in against all the assaults of the enemy, that we may lay hold of that which is our inheritance in the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that every foe we shall ever meet in that battle already has been met and conquered by our Joshua.
- Alan Redpath
If you begin with God, your enemies grow small. If you begin with enemy, you may never reach God. If you begin with Him, the problems begin to dwindle; if you begin with the problems, you never get through to God. "Selah"—think of that, and apply it to your life in your adversity and testing.
- Alan Redpath
The Old Testament, as you know, is full of pictures of New Testament truth. It is not only a book of history, though it is that, revealing to us the great seed-plots of God's plan of redemption for the human race; it also illustrates many great truths later developed in the New Testament, setting them before us in pictorial language so that we may apply them in our hearts and daily lives.
- Alan Redpath
Many seem to think that, first of all, the Bible has to be explained, but that is not true. It has to be believed and obeyed! We fail to see the tremendous difference between knowing the Word of God and knowing the God of the Word. Conferences, rallies, missionary conventions, and church services come and go, and we remain unchanged. We are often just a group of unbelieving believers, perhaps never so well equipped, but never so poorly endued.
- Alan Redpath
I want to make the issue crystal clear. There can be no possible doubt, according to the Word of God: either Jesus must be King, or He cannot be your Savior.
- Alan Redpath
A throne is God's purpose for you; a cross is God's path for you; faith is God's plan for you.
- Alan Redpath
The best place any Christian can ever be in is to be totally destitute and totally dependant upon God, and know it.
- Alan Redpath
We are not saved in order to be a blessing to other people--you will be that inevitably--but primarily we are saved in order to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ, God's Son.
- Alan Redpath
No sin which we are capable of committing has ever taken God by surprise for He knew we were just like that.
- Alan Redpath
It's Satan's delight to tell me that once he's got me, he will keep me. But at that moment I can go back to God. And I know that if I confess my sins, God is faithful and just to forgive me.
- Alan Redpath