Quotes from Alan Redpath
Before we can pray, "Lord, Thy Kingdom come," we must be willing to pray, "My Kingdom go.
- Alan Redpath
When GOD wants to do an impossible task He takes an impossible man and crushes him.
- Alan Redpath
The Bible NEVER flatters its heroes. It tells us the truth about each one of them in order that against the background of human breakdown and failure we may magnify the grace of God and recognize that it is the delight of the Spirit of God to work upon the platform of human impossibilities.
- Alan Redpath
There is some task which the God of all the Universe, the Great Creator, your Redeemer in Jesus Christ has for you to do--and which will remain undone and incomplete until, by faith and obedience, you step into the will of God.
- Alan Redpath
Let a man be right with God, reconciled through the blood of the cross, humbled at the foot of Calvary; let him be broken, coming to God guilty and hopeless and needy; and at that moment God takes hold of him and transforms and uses all his gifts and qualities, until that man becomes a mighty influence. But he has first to come down from his ladder of pride to the very foot of the cross.
- Alan Redpath
When you are living by faith through the darkness of circumstances, other people become aware of the radiance and sweetness of your life, and they are truly blessed. When you refuse to admit your failure, God cannot be revealed through you to others, and they may be lost for eternity. Oh, the sin of unbelief has desperate consequences, not only for yourself, but for others!
- Alan Redpath
The Christian who, by God's grace, learns to confess the Lord Jesus in circumstances which might normally be calculated to silence him, is a Christian whose life is a tremendous challenge to other people.
- Alan Redpath
In the United States of America there are twenty-seven million people under twenty-one years of age who receive no Christian training at all. Juvenile crime in the big cities is tremendous—sometimes it seems absolutely out of control. Every week one million people are dying without Jesus. In one minute, eighty-five people pass into eternity. In just the brief span of a church service hundreds are passing out into the presence of God. Does that mean anything to you?
- Alan Redpath
Heaven's justice and righteousness must be recognized and maintained. Apart from grace, you find yourself bankrupt and insolvent, desperately in debt and helpless to meet God's judgment. Therefore, your only hope is to fly to the wounded side of the Lord, who in His life kept God's law perfectly and in His death paid the price of your rebellion.
- Alan Redpath
God's call to any man and the anointing of the Spirit for service are conditioned upon that man's heart response.
- Alan Redpath
So often the providences of God seem to run completely counter to His promises, but only that He may test our faith, only that He may ultimately accomplish His purpose for our lives in a way that He could never do if the path were always smooth.
- Alan Redpath
We glory in our wonderful gospel of love and mercy for the unsaved, but we usually act as if we have no gospel for the saint who has been tripped up by the devil!
- Alan Redpath