Quotes from Jonathan Edwards
All our good is more apparently from God, because we are first naked and wholly without any good, and afterwards enrich with all good.
- Jonathan Edwards
The ingenerating of a principle of grace in the soul seems in Scripture to be compared to the conceiving of Christ in the womb... And the conception of Christ in the womb of the blessed virgin by the power of the Holy Ghost, seems to be a designed resemblance of the conception of Christ in the soul of a believer by the power of the same Holy Ghost.
- Jonathan Edwards
Nothing grieves me so much as that I cannot live constantly to God's glory.
- Jonathan Edwards
Tis a more glorious effect of power to make that holy that was so depraved and under the domination of sin than to confer holiness on that which before had nothing of the contrary.
- Jonathan Edwards
True gratitude or thankfulness to God for his kindness to us, arises from a foundation laid before, of love to God for what he is in himself; whereas a natural gratitude has no such antecedent foundation. The gracious stirrings of grateful affection to God, for kindness received, always are from a stock of love already in the heart, established in the first place on other grounds, viz. God's own excellency.
- Jonathan Edwards
The way to Heaven is ascending; we must be content to travel uphill, though it be hard and tiresome, and contrary to the natural bias of our flesh.
- Jonathan Edwards
There in heaven this fountain of love, this eternal three in one, is set open without any obstacle to hinder access to it. There this glorious God is manifested and shines forth in full glory, in beams of love; there the fountain overflows in streams and rivers of love and delight, enough for all to drink at, and to swim in, yea, so as to overflow the world as it were with a deluge of love.
- Jonathan Edwards
Christians need constant reminders of how amazingly glorious our great God really is and what his glory means for our lives. Reading
- Jonathan Edwards
Indeed, the case very often such, by the seeming calls of Providence, as made it extremely difficult for him to do more than his strength would admit of. Yea, his circumstances and the business of his mission...were such that great fatigues and hardships were altogether inevitable.
- Jonathan Edwards
God will be what will forever entertain the minds of the saints, and the love of God will be their everlasting feast. The redeemed will indeed enjoy other things; they will enjoy the angels, and will enjoy one another; but that which they shall enjoy in the angels, or each other, or in any thing else whatsoever that will yield them delight and happiness, will be what will be seen of God in them.
- Jonathan Edwards
People may love a God of their own imaginations, when they are far from loving such a God as reigns in heaven.
- Jonathan Edwards
Some make gods of their pleasures; some choose Mammon for their god; some make gods of their own supposed excellencies, or the outward advantages they have above their neighbors: some choose one thing for their god, and others another. But men can be happy in no other God but the God of Israel: he is the only fountain of happiness.
- Jonathan Edwards