Quotes from Jonathan Edwards
Of all kinds of knowledge that we can ever obtain, the knowledge of God, and the knowledge of ourselves, are the most important.
- Jonathan Edwards
Let the main thing that we prize in God's house be, not the outward ornaments of it, or a high seat in it, but the word of God and his ordinances in it.
- Jonathan Edwards
I wanted not the favor of man to lean upon; for I knew Christ's favor was infinitely better, and that it was no matter when, nor where, nor how Christ should send me, nor what trials He should still exercise me with, if I might be prepared for His work and will.
- Jonathan Edwards
Of the grace of God. It was of mere grace that God gave us his only begotten Son. The grace is great in proportion to the dignity and excellency of what is given: the gift was infinitely precious, because it was a person infinitely worthy, a person of infinite glory; and also because it was a person infinitely near and dear to God.
- Jonathan Edwards
the Will (without any metaphysical refining) is, That by which the mind chooses any thing. The faculty of the Will, is that power, or principle of mind, by which it is capable of choosing: an act of the Will is the same as an act of choosing or choice.
- Jonathan Edwards
Present choice cannot at present choose to be otherwise: for that would be at present to choose something diverse from what is at present chosen.
- Jonathan Edwards
No living Christian but he must deny his owne wisedome, judgement, and understanding, that he may be wise in Christ; You say, what, would you have men senselesse, and mopish, and not understand themselves? No, no, here is the point, True grace doth not destroy a mans wisdome, but rather enlargeth and enlightneth it wonderfully; so as that men by nature are blinde, but spirituall wisedome enlightens the eyes of the blinde.
- Jonathan Edwards
faith is the subsistance of things not seene;
- Jonathan Edwards
Does the mind will, in any given manner, without a motive, cause or ground, which renders the given choice, rather than a different choice, certain.
- Jonathan Edwards
A moral Agent is a being that is capable of those actions that have a moral quality, and which can properly be denominated good or evil in a moral sense, virtuous or vicious, commendable or faulty.
- Jonathan Edwards
most of the duties incumbent on us, if well considered, will be found to partake of the nature of justice.
- Jonathan Edwards
Christ never so effectually bruised Satan's head, as when Satan bruised his heel. The weapon with which Christ warred against the devil, and obtained a most complete victory and glorious triumph over him, was the cross, the instrument and weapon with which he thought he had overthrown Christ, and brought on him shameful destruction. Col. 2: 14,15.
- Jonathan Edwards