Quotes from Gregory Boyd
Expresses how the Creator solves the problems he needs to solve in order to bring creation out of chaos. Therefore, we have every reason to suppose that the succession of days was not meant to refer to a chronological succession but to a logical, thematic, and literary succession.
- Gregory Boyd
Genesis 1 and the scientific evidence. The literary framework interpretation can easily be reconciled with any contemporary scientific theory of origin one chooses to embrace. Yet at the same time, reconciliation is not necessary. Genesis 1 has no bearing on science, for it is strictly interested in theology, not science.
- Gregory Boyd
The dependability of the world which makes it possible for rational, morally responsible creatures to live works against us in certain circumstances.
- Gregory Boyd
The very fact that what God creates is less than Himself introduces limitations and imperfections into the picture.
- Gregory Boyd
Any created thing must, for example, possess a limited set of characteristics which rules out the possibility of it possessing other characteristics incompatible with these.
- Gregory Boyd
The picture of God that I embraced could get me to feel shame for my sinful deeds, but it could not empower me to rise above them.
- Gregory Boyd
Every shortcoming, every sin, every struggle in the believer's life in one way or another can be traced to the influence of the flesh on our way of seeing and experiencing ourselves in our world—our experienced self-identity.
- Gregory Boyd
Faith and pride. If people think that sanctification adds anything to their justification, there is room for them to become spiritually prideful. At the very least, they can begin to congratulate themselves that they are less in need of God's sheer grace than they once were and no doubt less in need than other believers now are.
- Gregory Boyd
I don't want to base my life on a symbol, he said resolutely. I want reality, and the Christian faith has always been rooted in reality. What's not rooted in reality is the faith of liberal scholars. They're the ones who are following a pipe dream, but Christianity is not a pipe dream.
- Gregory Boyd
If we have the potential to oppress or slay millions, it's because we also have the potential to liberate and love millions.
- Gregory Boyd
Wondering whether Christianity is real is not the same as wondering whether Christianity is true. If you question the truth of Christianity, you can do something tangible about it. You can read books, take a class, or talk to someone about it. But what can you do when you're already convinced it's true but don't experience it as real?
- Gregory Boyd
The evangelical church in America has, to a large extent, been co-opted by an American, religious version of the kingdom of the world. We have come to trust the power of the sword more than the power of the cross. We have become intoxicated with the Constantinian, nationalistic, violent mindset of imperialistic Christendom.
- Gregory Boyd