Quotes from Dorothy Sayers
I will say here and now that I have never discovered, nor can I see, any reasonable use or excuse for the " waynee, weedee, weekee " convention. It is not merely that I have a profound sympathy with one of my friends who says he just cannot believe that Caesar was the kind of man to talk in that kind of way. Caesar may, indeed, have done so, but what then ?
- Dorothy Sayers
And by the way, my dear,' he said, 'you might just mention to Mrs. Sutton that if she must read the morning paper before I come down, I should be obliged if she would fold it neatly afterwards.' 'What an old fuss-box you are, darling,' said his wife. Mr. Mummery sighed. He could not explain that it was somehow important that the morning paper should come to him fresh and prim, like a virgin. Women did not feel these things. (Suspicion)
- Dorothy Sayers
The only Christian work is good work well done.
- Dorothy Sayers
He has the valuable quality of being fond of people without wanting to turn them inside out.
- Dorothy Sayers
in the first part, the master-faculties are Observation and Memory, so in the second, the master-faculty is the Discursive Reason.
- Dorothy Sayers
The departure of the church-going element had induced a more humanitarian atmosphere.
- Dorothy Sayers
It will be sent that, although the writer's love is verily a jealous love, it is a jealousy for and not of his creatures. He will tolerate no interference either with them or between them and himself.
- Dorothy Sayers
Why doesn't God smite this dictator dead?' is a question a little remote from us, says one of the characters in The Man Born to Be King. Why, madam, did he not strike you dumb and imbecile before you uttered that baseless and unkind slander the day before yesterday? Or me, before I behaved with such cruel lack of consideration to that well-meaning friend? And why, sir, did he not cause your hand to rot off at the wrist before you signed your name to that dirty little bit of financial trickery?
- Dorothy Sayers
We cannot really look at the movement of the Spirit, just because It is the Power by which we do the looking.
- Dorothy Sayers
If you want it your own way, God will let you have it. Hell is the enjoyment of your own way forever.
- Dorothy Sayers
It is the dogma that is the drama -- not beautiful phrases, nor comforting sentiments, nor vague aspirations to loving-kindness and uplift, nor the promise of something nice after death -- but the terrifying assertion that the same God who made the world lived in the world and passed through the grave and gate of death. Show that to the heathen, and they may not believe it; but at least they may realize that here is something that a man might be glad to believe.
- Dorothy Sayers
Books, you know, Charles, are like lobster-shells. We surround ourselves with 'em, and then we grow out of 'em and leave 'em behind, as evidences of our earlier stages of development.
- Dorothy Sayers