Quotes from Paulo Coelho
Everything that could happen, but it never happened, eventually was taken away by the wind and leaves no trace.The life - this is our actions.
- Paulo Coelho
Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart, the alchemist had told him.
- Paulo Coelho
To love abundantly is to live abundantly. To love forever is to live forever. Eternal life is coupled with Love. Why do we want
- Paulo Coelho
Everything on Earth is being continuously transformed.
- Paulo Coelho
There is no such thing as death. Life existed before we were born and will continue to exist after we leave this world. Same with love, it existed before and will go on forever.
- Paulo Coelho
If you only walk on sunny days you'll never reach your destination.
- Paulo Coelho
Yes, I'm satisfied, but the problem is you're not, and never will be. You're insecure, afraid of losing everything you've achieved; you don't know how to quit once you're ahead. You'll end up destroying yourself. You're killing our marriage and my love.
- Paulo Coelho
No one lights a lamp in order to hide it behind the door: the purpose of light is to create more light, to open people's eyes, to reveal the marvels around. No one sacrifices the most important thing she possesses: love. No one places her dreams in the hands of those who might destroy them.
- Paulo Coelho
And, in that mood, he was grateful to be in love. When you are in love, things make even more sense, he thought.
- Paulo Coelho
Experience has taught me that people only give values to things if they have, at some point, been uncertain as to whether or not they will get it
- Paulo Coelho
I know that God is putting me through the fire of afflictions. I've accepted the blows that life has dealt me, and sometimes I feel as cold and indifferent as the water that inflicts such pain on the steel. But my one prayer is this: 'Please, God, my Mother, don't give up until I've taken on the shape that you wish for me. Do this by whatever means you think best, for as long as you like but never ever throw me on the scrap heap of souls.
- Paulo Coelho
At some point of our life, we will lose control of everything surrounds us and we will be controlled by the fate. That is the world's biggest lie.
- Paulo Coelho