Quotes from Paulo Coelho
Then she opened her eyes, Veronika did not think 'this must be heaven'. Heaven would never use a fluorescent tube to light a room, and the pain - which started a fraction of a second later - was typical of the Earth. Ah, that Earth pain - unique, unmistakable.
- Paulo Coelho
It isn't what you did in the past that will affect the present. It's what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future.
- Paulo Coelho
You are born, go to school, and attend university in search of a husband. You get married - even if he is the worse man in the world - just so that others can't say no one wants you. You have children, grow old, and spend the end of your days watching passersby from a chair on the sidewalk, pretending to know everything about life yet unable to silence the voice in your heart that says: You could try something else.
- Paulo Coelho
Time that never ends, that never passes, that remains in the present, where all of life's secrets lie.
- Paulo Coelho
Don't let other's say That road is better or That route is easier. The greatest gift God gave us is the power to make decisions.
- Paulo Coelho
Faith as tiny as a grain of sand allows us to move mountains.
- Paulo Coelho
The boy knew that in money there was magic; whoever has money is never really alone.
- Paulo Coelho
The acomodador or giving-up point: there is always an event in our lives that is responsible for us failing to progress: a trauma, a particularly bitter defeat, a disappointment in love, even a victory that we did not quite understand, can make cowards of us and prevent us from moving on. As part of the process of increasing his hidden powers, the shaman must first free himself from that giving-up point and, to do so, he must review his while life and find out where it occured.
- Paulo Coelho
In order not to suffer, you had to renounce love.
- Paulo Coelho
His way isn't the same as mine, nor mine as his. But we're both in search of our destinies, and I respect him for that.
- Paulo Coelho
Break a pact. Accept forgiveness. Make a bet.
- Paulo Coelho
When you travel, you experience, in a very practical way, the act of rebirth. You confront completely new situations, the day passes more slowly, and on most journeys you don't even understand the language the people speak.
- Paulo Coelho