Quotes from Paulo Coelho
Never make a fuss-it might attract the attention of an enemy tribe.
- Paulo Coelho
When we marry, we are authorized to take possession of the other person, body and soul.
- Paulo Coelho
What other people think is more important than what we feel.
- Paulo Coelho
We must buy jewelry; it identifies us with our tribe, just as body piercing identifies those of a different tribe.
- Paulo Coelho
He has learned that God uses solitude to teach us how to live with other people.
- Paulo Coelho
A Warrior of the Light does not accept gifts from his enemy.
- Paulo Coelho
He accepts his Personal Legend completely.
- Paulo Coelho
At the beginning of his struggle, the Warrior says: "I have dreams."
- Paulo Coelho
Everyone has their own way of learning.
- Paulo Coelho
It is important never to relax, however far you have come.
- Paulo Coelho
Anyone who loves needs to know both how to lose himself and how to find himself.
- Paulo Coelho
Any man who, having planted a vineyard, has not yet reaped the benefits should do so at once, so that he does not die in the struggle and leave it for another to enjoy.
- Paulo Coelho