Quotes from Rita Ora
Daphne Guinness was amazingly comfortable in her skin, and she has an amazing collection in fashion that I wish I could just touch.
- Rita Ora
I think music will thrive where it wants to.
- Rita Ora
My spirit animal... probably like a turtle, because I have no concept of time.
- Rita Ora
The worst thing is when a guy just looks awkward. It's not attractive.
- Rita Ora
I dyed my hair blonde when I was 14. My mom was not happy. But I love being blonde.
- Rita Ora
I love how music and fashion are so similar. We need each other.
- Rita Ora
Before every show, I have to put perfume on. I know the crowd's not necessarily going to smell me, but when I smell good, I feel like I can dominate the room.
- Rita Ora
I don't really remember much about Kosovo. I only remember growing up in London, where my parents had to basically start from scratch.
- Rita Ora
To me, it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from - if you're a good person and you got my back, I got yours.
- Rita Ora
Social media is so influential now.
- Rita Ora
I'd love to be the female Kanye. I think he's so cool and effortless.
- Rita Ora
I've been going to Bicester Village since I was young. My mum and dad really loved that place, and I always used to stock up on clothes. I love the fact that it supports great British designers.
- Rita Ora