Quotes from Jeremy Camp
God has given us these talents and we want to pass on our best.
- Jeremy Camp
If you don't have much passion, well, get on your face and pray for the passion and get into the word of God. That's what I've been sharing. That's the whole concept.
- Jeremy Camp
I was praying one day and God literally gave me a song called 'Healing Hand of God.'
- Jeremy Camp
It's hard to see your wife deteriorate in front of your eyes.
- Jeremy Camp
I'm not sure what the Lord has in store for my future, but I can say for certain that music is not my life. Christ is my life. I love writing, singing, and playing songs that He gives me to share, but whatever He has for me in five or ten years, I want to be willing to step into it. I never want to hold so tightly to my vocation that I lose out on His higher plan.
- Jeremy Camp
I know the journey seems so long You feel you're walking on your own But there has never been a step Where you've walked out all alone Troubled soul don't lose your heart Cause joy and peace he brings And the beauty that's in store Outweighs the hurt of life's sting
- Jeremy Camp
I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see.
- Jeremy Camp
I know that I've been given more than beyond measure. I come alive when I see beyond my fears. I know that I've been given more than earthly treasure. I come alive when I've broken down and given you control.
- Jeremy Camp
I struggled with insecurity because I was trying to find my security in things. But when I began serving God with all my heart, my security was in Him.
- Jeremy Camp
I felt myself becoming angry too easily. I once saw a couple at a restaurant, and I could tell from their mannerisms that they were having some type of disagreement. I got mad at the guy and wanted to tell him, "Come on — appreciate your wife!
- Jeremy Camp
She (his future wife) was so deep into the Lord's presence that I felt like an outsider.
- Jeremy Camp
I ate so many Ramen noodles that I wouldn't even touch a package of them now.
- Jeremy Camp