Quotes from James Carse
The passage of time is always relative to that which does not pass, to the timeless.
- James Carse
So also in culture. Infinite players understand that the vigor of a culture has to do with the variety of its sources, the differences within itself. The unique and the surprising are not suppressed in some persons for the strength of others. The genius in you stimulates the genius in me.
- James Carse
Explanation sets the need for further inquiry aside; narrative invites us to rethink what we thought we knew.
- James Carse
Infinite players cannot say when their game began, nor do they care.
- James Carse
Indeed, the only purpose of the game is to prevent it from coming to an end, to keep everyone in play.
- James Carse
The points of reference for all finite history are signal triumphs meant never to be forgotten: establishment of the throne of David, the birth of the Savior, the journey to Medina, the battle of Hastings, the American, French, Russian, Chinese, and Cuban revolutions.
- James Carse
Because we make use of machinery in the belief we can increase the range of our freedom, and instead only decrease it, we use machines against ourselves.
- James Carse
If finite games must be externally bounded by time, space, and number, they must also have internal limitations on what the players can do to and with each other. To agree on internal limitations is to establish rules of play.
- James Carse
By contrast, infinite players have no interest in seduction or in restricting the freedom of another to one's own boundaries of play. Infinite players recognize choice in all aspects of sexuality. They may see in themselves and in others, for example, the infant's desire to compete for the mother, but they also see that there is neither physiological nor societal destiny in sexual patterns. Who chooses to compete with another can also choose to play with another.
- James Carse
We can be moved only by way of our veils. We are touched through our veils.
- James Carse
Moving therefore from an original center, the sexual engagements of infinite players have no standards, no ideals, no marks of success or failure. Neither orgasm nor conception is a goal in their play, although either may be part of the play.
- James Carse
Patriots can flourish only where boundaries are well-defined, hostile, and dangerous.
- James Carse