Quotes from James MacDonald
God's Word is especially suited to directing those who want to focus primarily on the nature and direction of their own hearts.
- James MacDonald
All change begins with a change of mind the Bible calls repentance. Repentance is detecting and destroying the rationalizations that led to me checking the sinful choice box in the first place. Repentance is what every biblical prophet was calling for because that is where a man begins to move from depravity to quality.
- James MacDonald
Faith doesn't grow or deepen when we cower in secrecy. Faith strengthens as we go public.
- James MacDonald
In counseling, we don't simply help people to change one thought; we help people to understand the pattern of their thinking — their mindsets.
- James MacDonald
Repentance. Not a onetime event for the forgiveness of sin and gift of eternal life but a lifetime pattern of humility before a holy God.
- James MacDonald
We are only prepared to receive and comprehend the grace of God when we have understood His infinite holiness and our incredible sinfulness.
- James MacDonald
How sad to see a worthless man who claims to know God confirm by running back to the road of self-righteousness that he never met Him.
- James MacDonald
As men we cannot take our eyes off the road for even a second. One bad moment can destroy a lifetime of careful watching. One weak, selfish decision can crash a decade of keeping your eyes on the road. God grant to us Holy Throne-Room clarity at all times in every situation so that what we are really living for doesn't crash before our eyes.
- James MacDonald
He brings eventual well-being for those who turn to Him, regardless of any hardship He may allow, but eventual calamity for those who reject Him, regardless of how well their immediate life may be going.
- James MacDonald
God owns the truth. The issue is our ability to derive truth apart from God's sufficient Word.
- James MacDonald
I experience transcendence when something infinite reminds me I am finite.
- James MacDonald
Do all you can to defeat selfish shepherding in your own heart.
- James MacDonald