Quotes from James MacDonald
Be loving in conflict or be loving in frustration or let love command your every interaction because "love never fails."
- James MacDonald
Preferring the comforting messages of certain attributes of God, our lives have become a trifling with His holiness. We desperately need to regain this view of the highness and the holiness of God. His holiness is the ultimate clarity.
- James MacDonald
Small groups are the place to push past Bible knowledge and on to life application so that we can see people's lives transform more and more into the image of Christ.
- James MacDonald
You don't get to a better place with God until you recognize that where you are is not as good.
- James MacDonald
For Satan's purposes, making you a completely ineffective and isolated follower of Jesus is as much a success as keeping you lost in sin.
- James MacDonald
Nothing worse than a man who makes excuses, blames others, and refuses responsibility for his own actions." No doubt there were real experiences that underlined the worthlessness of excuse makers for these men.
- James MacDonald
In our homes, where we work, in our friendships, we come inevitably to a fork in the road where we must decide, "Will I forgive that?" If the answer is yes, we go forward together in love. If we choose "no, I will not forgive," at that point we will tend to amplify the fault we observe to excuse our withdrawal into bitterness. Everyone loses—and the gospel most of all.
- James MacDonald
God's love is not a pampering love. God's love is a perfecting love. God does not get up every day trying to figure how He can plant a bigger smile on your face. God is in the process of growing us and changing us. His love is a transforming love.
- James MacDonald
All God's righteous hatred of all that sin from all of human history was poured out upon Christ as He hung there on that cross.
- James MacDonald
Too often Jesus Christ was not my Master but a bystander I visited with at church occasionally.
- James MacDonald
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
- James MacDonald
The joy of following Jesus is the fellowship of living in His strength and knowing His presence as a moment-by-moment reality.
- James MacDonald