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Quotes from James MacDonald

But extraordinary life is possible—find it. There's a better, higher, eternal life that can begin during this earthly life. It is an awesome life found in Christ! And we can live it now!
- James MacDonald
In spite of how we know the story unfolded, God included mankind in His conclusion that all He created was good.
- James MacDonald
Ed Welch says that all counseling is a variation on a single theme: knowing and praying for the counselee. Of all the questions the counselor might ask, then, the central guiding question in the counselor's mind is, "How can I pray for you?
- James MacDonald
Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches." All you gotta do is let the life that flows through the vine, flow into the branch—you. You don't have to do anything. You've just got to get out of the way and stop doing all the things that keep God from doing what He wants to do in your life. What Paul means by "walk by the Spirit" is essentially "live in dependence on God's Spirit.
- James MacDonald
All the stories and poems and letters and oracles and wisdom verses of God's Word, like individual instruments in a great orchestra, serve THE WHOLE story.
- James MacDonald
I'll take a bath and then I'll return." No, God is the bath.
- James MacDonald
When an artist captures a mountain or an ocean on a canvas with color and we wonder where such talent could come from, he or she is declaring His glory.
- James MacDonald
John 8:44 says Satan is a liar and the father of lies. He captures and conquers men's lives through his convincing lies, often nullifying good intentions with wrongful actions that seemed manly in the moment but in the end lacked the balancing power of clarity.
- James MacDonald
While the United States is becoming the most culturally diverse nation in the world, less than 5.5% of Christian congregations are multiethnic.
- James MacDonald
Attentive reading of God's Word will set you up for frequent Holy Spirit warnings as He uses Scripture to set off alarms of danger in your life. As you grow spiritually, you may discover direct "prompts" God's Spirit gives, but they will always be in harmony with what God says in His Word.
- James MacDonald
As a follower of Jesus through faith in Him, the Holy Spirit is your only hope of ever consistently acting like a man. He is the courage to make right choices, the guide toward truth and away from error, the source of our comfort, and the provider of our strength. His primary tool is the Word of God.
- James MacDonald
When your soul is satisfied, you have everything even if you have nothing. And when your soul is not at peace, you have nothing no matter what you have attained or acquired.
- James MacDonald