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Quotes from James MacDonald

Repentance is shockingly beautiful when we see it not as "I sinned again, I need to repent," but as "I sinned against my God again, but He is calling me back so He can lavish me with His love and forgiveness.
- James MacDonald
The biblical counselor must always remember that the ROOT problem is deeper than skin; it is sin. The ultimate cure is not culture, but Christ.
- James MacDonald
In healthy churches, the pastors life, not just his words, sets the tone for the church.
- James MacDonald
Gratitude is the attitude that sets the altitude for living!
- James MacDonald
The people sang to the Lord, not about Him.
- James MacDonald
If we believe God is present in our worship as He promises to be, then we must frame all language of worship as to Him and not merely about Him.
- James MacDonald
Churches closing at a rate of six thousand per year in North America are not doing so because of worship style or form of government or methodology. They are failing because regardless of your preference on those points, it's pointless to deny the true cause behind debates and divisions—a failure to love.
- James MacDonald
If counseling is to be restored to the church, affection must be restored to reflection. If counseling is to be restored to the church, delight in God must be restored to doctrines about God. Savoring Christ must be restored to seeing Christ. Tender contrition must be restored to tough conviction. Communication with God must be restored to contending for God.
- James MacDonald
Church was never intended to be a place where we serve God to the exclusion of meeting with Him.
- James MacDonald
Like David we have a number of self-destructive options we use to avoid repenting and admitting sin. I'll list them and let you come up with personal examples for each: deny, avoid, blame shift, rationalize, and give excuses. If you can't think of how you've used these, you may be stuck in denial!
- James MacDonald
Where is there a systematic theology class that helps students realize that when you unpack the inclination or the nature of the Trinity or the two natures of Christ or the substitutionary atonement, you commune with the Lord as you defend and contend for the doctrine, or else you are not doing it right? No wonder people often don't want to be around doctrinally driven individuals! They are not doing doctrine right. They are not emotionally in touch with the truths they are teaching.
- James MacDonald
Given the impossibility of not failing one another, when the Bible says, "We all stumble in many ways," the only way forward in loving community with one another is forgiveness.
- James MacDonald