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Quotes from James MacDonald

Our hearts are wired for worship, and our worship is directly tied to our sense of hope.
- James MacDonald
Any counseling that does not pursue spiritual formation through an intimate relationship with Jesus by faith as one of its chief goals is not worthy to be called BIBLICAL counseling.
- James MacDonald
The reason God responds to persistence is because prayer is changing the one who prays. As we pray, God is making us spiritually fit to receive what He is already willing to do. Prayer changes us into the people who can participate in the greater work of God without being spoiled by it through pride or becoming discouraged by the increased weight of greater fruitfulness.
- James MacDonald
Mark 3:25: "And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.
- James MacDonald
Whether you realize it or not, your ongoing battle with unbelief drives all your sinful thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions.
- James MacDonald
When the people of God are not told the works of God, they lose the wonder of God, and everyone does that which is right in his or her own eyes.
- James MacDonald
Prayer is the easiest thing to assume in church and the hardest thing to maintain. Prayer is the first thing our flesh stops when times get easy, and true prayer is the last thing we resort to when times get tough.
- James MacDonald
When we pray, we are speaking to the One Whose eternal purpose and designs are unfolding as our present realities. In order to find hope in them, we must seek HIM and HIS perspective. This requires a keen understanding of the redemptive nature of our existence, which points to the glorious gospel of Christ.
- James MacDonald
Holy Spirit of God, thank You for filling my life with You. You are in control of all that I am—my thoughts, my actions, my words, and my feelings. Thank You, Spirit of God. I am now living under the downpour of Your power and strength and blessing, and I thank You for the riches of Your mercy. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
- James MacDonald
When we want decisions more than we want disciples, we get tares instead of true converts and Ichabod, departed glory for the church.
- James MacDonald
How long will this people spurn Me? And how long will they not believe in Me, despite all the signs which I have performed in their midst? I will smite them with pestilence and dispossess them, and I will make you into a nation greater and mightier than they" (verses 11—12). That's when Moses pleaded with God not to wipe them out even for His own reputation. And God relented.
- James MacDonald
The role of biblical counselors is facilitate the discovery of a greater God awareness through spiritual eyes that look at life through scriptural lenses.
- James MacDonald