Quotes from James MacDonald
You might not think it now, but if you're one of God's children, you're going to figure it out by the end of your life God is good.
- James MacDonald
At this moment, God is watching your life and at some point in this trial, He will say enough. You don't need to falter.
- James MacDonald
God looked through eternity past and He saw you and He chose to reach out and redeem you by His own grace. It's hard to imagine that kind of love.
- James MacDonald
Trust means you anchor your heart in the reality of God's awareness of your situation.
- James MacDonald
Don't lean on your own understanding. If your trust in God is limited by your understanding of His ways, you will always have a limited trust.
- James MacDonald
God's not afraid of a mess. He wants to do a cleaning.
- James MacDonald
You will never experience the fullness of joy you were created to know until Jesus Christ has first place in every area.
- James MacDonald
Too many times we're looking for ways to get around deep waters and dangerous fires, rather than through them. Has this ever been your experience?
- James MacDonald
While you can't keep fear from visiting, you can slam the door in it's face. With God's promise in your hand, that's exactly what you are able to do.
- James MacDonald
Eventaully you can see that your pain was part of a much larger picture that God was carefully painting.
- James MacDonald