Quotes from James MacDonald
God brings tests into your life because your faith in Him--your belief that He is in control and that He is good--can be proved only in times when life is hard.
- James MacDonald
The biggest obstacle to making Christ magnificent is the refusal to make yourself small.
- James MacDonald
You can't teach a person to love something. But you can get him to feel the heat of your love for something.
- James MacDonald
Let God Himself be the main attraction at church again, and let us be tireless in our insistence that church is for God, about God, through God, and to the glory of His great Son.
- James MacDonald
Church leaders raised on rationalism lead ministries where the supernatural, the Vertical, is suppressed and where God Himself is at best an observer and certainly seldom, if ever, and obvious participant in church.
- James MacDonald
Remember, it's not "stand firm for the faith" but "stand firm in the faith." You've got to own it and live it.
- James MacDonald
When we ask people what they want in church instead of giving them what they were created to long for, we play in the very idolatry that church was created to dismantle.
- James MacDonald
In a society where rationality has ruled so long, the church frequently fails to see that in forsaking the weekly pursuit of the transcendent, we have given up the only ground that was uniquely ours in this world. In attempting to make the church something that can attract and add value to secular mind-sets, we have turned our backs on our one true proposition - transcendence.
- James MacDonald
To disrespect a person made in the image and likeness of God is a lot worse than desecrating a flag. We should be offended and repulsed in the same way when God's image bearers are desecrated — abused, beaten, neglected, discriminated against, and not loved and taken care of as they should be.
- James MacDonald
At the end of life, each of us must answer the question, Whose story captured my soul?
- James MacDonald
The fundamental question in everything we do must be: Will this honor God? Does this display Jesus Christ? Does this make people see how awesome the LORD is? Failure to answer "Yes!" invites Ichabod.
- James MacDonald
Satan mounts his mutiny against God through a deceitful stronghold: God is untrustworthy. In subtle and not-so-subtle ways, he places God's heart on trial by whispering insidious lies: "God is holding back on you. He wants you to jump through hoops in order to earn His love. He's stingy. He doesn't have your best interest in mind. You're better off trusting in yourself. Your resources and functional saviors work better then waiting and trusting in Him.
- James MacDonald