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Quotes from John Ortberg

The church is in the hope business. We, of all people, ought to be known most for our hope because our hope is founded on something deeper than human ability or wishful thinking.
- John Ortberg
There are dozens of references to God in the Scriptures for every one to the figure of Satan. This reflects a sometimes forgotten theological truth that the devil is by no means God's counterpart. He is a creature, not the Creator.
- John Ortberg
The reason our souls hunger so is that the life we could be living so far exceeds our strangest dreams.
- John Ortberg
You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.
- John Ortberg
Prudence is what makes someone a great commodities trader - the capacity to face reality squarely in the eye without allowing emotion or ego to get in the way. It's what is needed by every quarterback or battlefield general.
- John Ortberg
Women are the first witnesses to the resurrection and pillars of the early church.
- John Ortberg
Learning something new is a fabulous way to be refreshed. When work can grind you down, something about learning a new activity thrills the soul. It reminds you that the world is bigger than your desk and your to-do list.
- John Ortberg
Disciplined people can do the right thing at the right time in the right way for the right reason.
- John Ortberg
One of the great illusions of our time is that hurrying will buy us more time.
- John Ortberg
Never worry alone. When anxiety grabs my mind, it is self-perpetuating. Worrisome thoughts reproduce faster than rabbits, so one of the most powerful ways to stop the spiral of worry is simply to disclose my worry to a friend... The simple act of reassurance from another human being [becomes] a tool of the Spirit to cast out fear -- because peace and fear are both contagious.
- John Ortberg
Low self-esteem causes me to believe that I have so little worth that my response does not matter. With repentance, however, I understand that being worth so much to God is why my response is so important. Repentance is remedial work to mend our minds and hearts, which get bent by sin.
- John Ortberg
We tend to be preoccupied by our problems when we have a heightened sense of vulnerability and a diminished sense of power. Today, see each problem as an invitation to prayer.
- John Ortberg