Quotes from John Ortberg
You must arrange your days so that you are experiencing deep contentment, joy and confidence in your everyday life with God.
- John Ortberg
It only makes sense to ask God for guidance in the context of a life committed to "seeking first the kingdom."
- John Ortberg
Prudence is foresight and far-sightedness. It's the ability to make immediate decisions on the basis of their longer-range effects.
- John Ortberg
Prudence is not hesitation, procrastination, or moderation. It is not driving in the middle of the road. It is not the way of ambivalence, indecision, or safety.
- John Ortberg
As much as we complain about it, though, there's part of us that is drawn to a hurried life. It makes us feel important. It keeps the adrenaline pumping. It means I don't have to look too closely at my heart or life. It keeps us from feeling our loneliness.
- John Ortberg
Authentic spiritual authority is what puts you in touch with reality.
- John Ortberg
Tithing is a bad ceiling but an excellent floor.
- John Ortberg
There are usually multiple messages that could be preached from the same text.
- John Ortberg
The primary goal of spiritual life is human transformation.
- John Ortberg
Death is the prerequisite to resurrection, the new life God intends.
- John Ortberg
Tithing is considerably less popular than words like generosity or sharing.
- John Ortberg
I don't have a problem with delegation. I love to delegate. I am either lazy enough, or busy enough, or trusting enough, or congenial enough, that the notion leaving tasks in someone else's lap doesn't just sound wise to me, it sounds attractive.
- John Ortberg