Quotes from James Garlow
Unforgiveness, resentment, and bitterness can give an excuse for demonic activity to remain in a life. With a cleansed heart, and with confession and forgiveness, a person can be set free from even the most insidious intrusion.
- James Garlow
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
- James Garlow
Death is not an end but a doorway we walk through as automatically as we take our next breath.
- James Garlow
Scripture should be accepted as truth by those who believe it is God-inspired.
- James Garlow
Norman Cousins said, "Death is not the enemy, living in constant fear of it is.
- James Garlow
Death is not the nightmare we've been led to fear. Maybe it's no more than an effortless step out of this world into the next—nearer to God's heavenly kingdom.
- James Garlow
Hell is not just a place of torment; additionally it's a place of separation from God.
- James Garlow
Those who have "died" and returned usually report being met and guided by people they know very well—even those already dead many years.
- James Garlow
Can you do anything to bring about a miracle? The answer: God is God, we're not. But for reasons unknown, just as God willingly relates with us, so also he partners with us. He makes miracles happen; through our prayers we can see them happen.
- James Garlow
Hell wasn't made for people; God doesn't want anyone to go there. But he is utter goodness—absolute holiness—and evil cannot be in his presence.
- James Garlow
In the end he [God] will allow us to become what we have chosen.
- James Garlow
Love and light are the essential fruits of a Christlike life.
- James Garlow