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Quotes from Sarah Young

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
- Sarah Young
Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not be afraid. The Peace I give is sufficient for you.
- Sarah Young
REST IN THE STILLNESS of My Presence while I prepare you for this day. Let the radiance of My Glory shine upon you as you wait on Me in confident trust. Be still, and know that I am God. There is both a passive and an active side to trusting Me. As you rest in My Presence, focusing on Me, I quietly build bonds of trust between us. When you respond to the circumstances of your life with affirmations of trust, you actively participate in this process.
- Sarah Young
IF IT IS POSSIBLE, AS FAR AS IT DEPENDS ON YOU, LIVE AT PEACE WITH EVERYONE. Most people prefer to live peacefully with others, but when there are conflicts, many wait for the other person to make the first move. Problems inevitably arise when both parties wait for the other to take the first step.
- Sarah Young
Though the world applauds quick-witted retorts, My instructions about communication are quite different: Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. Ask My Spirit to help you whenever you speak.
- Sarah Young
I am always with you, so you have no reason to be afraid. Your fear often manifests itself in excessive planning. Your mind is so accustomed to this pattern of thinking that you are only now becoming aware of how pervasive it is and how much it hinders your intimacy with Me.
- Sarah Young
For a few moments, imagine your life as a house. How many rooms have you invited Me to live in? How many rooms have closed doors? I want to dwell in all of you.
- Sarah Young
the earth is radiantly alive with My Presence.
- Sarah Young
Evaluate how well you are handling the adversity in your life. I don't waste anything, including your suffering.
- Sarah Young
Because I am your constant Companion, there should be a lightness to your step that is observable to others. Do not be weighed down with problems and unresolved issues, for I am your burden-bearer. In the world you have trials and distress, but don't let them get you down. I have conquered the world and deprived it of power to harm you. In Me you may have confident Peace.
- Sarah Young
You yearn for a simplified lifestyle, so that your communication with Me can be uninterrupted. But I challenge you to relinquish the fantasy of an uncluttered world. Accept each day just as it comes, and find Me in the midst of it all.
- Sarah Young
I AM WATCHING OVER YOU CONTINUALLY. No matter what you are experiencing or how alone you feel, trust that I am with you—well aware of your circumstances
- Sarah Young