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Quotes from Sarah Young

Unplug from your problems as you prepare to sleep, and plug in to My Presence.
- Sarah Young
Do not judge a day as devoid of Joy just because it contains difficulties. Instead, concentrate on staying in communication with Me.
- Sarah Young
Thankfulness opens your heart to My Presence and your mind to My thoughts. You may still be in the same place, with the same set of circumstances, but it is as if a light has been switched on, enabling you to see from My perspective. It is this Light of My Presence that removes the sting from adversity.
- Sarah Young
You can feel secure, even in the midst of cataclysmic changes, through awareness of My continual Presence. The One who never leaves you is the same One who never changes: I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. As you release more and more things into My care, remember that I never let go of your hand. Herein lies your security, which no one and no circumstance can take from you.
- Sarah Young
I AM YOUR STRENGTH AND SHIELD. I plan out each day and have it ready for you, long before you arise from bed. I also provide the strength you need each step of the way. Instead of assessing your energy level and wondering about what's on the road ahead, concentrate on staying in touch with Me. My Power flows freely into you through our open communication. Refuse to waste energy worrying, and you will have strength to spare.
- Sarah Young
There is no randomness about your life. Here and Now comprise the coordinates of your daily life.
- Sarah Young
If pleasing people is your goal, you will be enslaved to them. People can be harsh taskmasters when you give them this power over you.
- Sarah Young
Waiting for Me to work, with your eyes on Me, is evidence that you really do trust Me.
- Sarah Young
Every step on your life-journey can be a step of faith.
- Sarah Young
YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH. Listen more to Me, and less to your doubts. I am leading you along the way I designed just for you. Therefore, it is a lonely way, humanly speaking. But I go before you as well as alongside you, so you are never alone. Do not expect anyone to understand fully My ways with you, any more than you can comprehend My dealings with others. I am revealing to you the path of Life day by day, and moment by moment. As I said to My disciple Peter, so I repeat to you: Follow Me.
- Sarah Young
Since I live in you, let Me also live through you, shining My Light into the darkness.
- Sarah Young
Nothing is wasted when you walk close to Me.
- Sarah Young