Quotes from James Goll
You have to be intentional about receiving the Father's love. Seek God. Be passionate about it. No two people have the same experience of the Father's love, because every child of God is unique.
- James Goll
Do you want to become a true messenger of the Lord with fire burning in your bones? Then have the Man of fire dwelling in your heart. Abandon any attempts to build your own kingdom or ministry. Forget about building your own empire; build His instead. Worship God passionately. Consecrate yourself to Him to be His holy dwelling place.
- James Goll
The further we go in Christ, the simpler we become, and the clearer our focus that Jesus is all.
- James Goll
Judgmental, prophetic lone rangers do not last.
- James Goll
After Jesus, the next group of people with the most innocent blood are the millions of unborn babies who were aborted with never even a chance at life, much less the chance to make a choice between good or evil. Leviticus 17:11 says that life is in the blood. And innocent shed blood cries out to God. What kind of cry do you think the blood of 44 million innocent babies aborted in the womb makes? What does that sound like to God?
- James Goll
Even when the angel asks him specifically, "Do you not know what these are?" Zechariah answers with humility, "No, my lord." Had Zechariah not responded with humility and openness, he probably would not have gained much from the whole experience. People who think they know it all already cut themselves off from learning anything new.
- James Goll
Yes, the true heart of the prophet is the testimony not of how great you are, but of how awesome He is! The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
- James Goll
As priests, we represent our nations, our neighborhoods, our families and our friends before the throne of Almighty God.
- James Goll
Questions from the Lord are an invitation to emerge from the place of hiding into transparent honesty and light.
- James Goll
Dream language is a love language. Our dreams are love letters sent to us from Papa God. When our guard is down and our analytical skepticism is less active, God whispers in our ear.
- James Goll
One: God, beginning, source (Gen. 1:1). Two: witness,
- James Goll
without prophecy, without divine revelation or vision, people will cast off all restraint. They will run wild because they have no guidance—no vision. The Word of God—His law—provides vision and guidance for living, and those who follow it are blessed. All people need a vision to sustain them in life.
- James Goll