Quotes from James Freeman Clarke
A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman thinks of the next generation.
- James Freeman Clarke
Never hurry. Take plenty of exercise. Always be cheerful. Take all the sleep you need. You may expect to be well.
- James Freeman Clarke
Seek to do good, and you will find that happiness will run after you.
- James Freeman Clarke
All the strength and force of man comes from his faith in things unseen. He who believes is strong he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.
- James Freeman Clarke
It is no natural for a man to pray that no theory can prevent him from doing it.
- James Freeman Clarke
When we trust our brother, whom we have seen, we are learning to trust God, whom we have not seen.
- James Freeman Clarke
The atheist has no hope.
- James Freeman Clarke
It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today.
- James Freeman Clarke
Art itself, in all its methods, is the child of religion. The highest and best works in architecture, sculpture and painting, poetry and music, have been born out of the religion of Nature.
- James Freeman Clarke
Religion is life, philosophy is thought; religion looks up, friendship looks in. We need both thought and life, and we need that the two shall be in harmony.
- James Freeman Clarke
Even where there is talent, culture, knowledge, if there is not earnestness, it does not go to the root of things.
- James Freeman Clarke
We are either progressing or retrograding all the while; there is no such thing as remaining stationary in this life.
- James Freeman Clarke