Quotes from James Carroll
All of these imitators imitated Jesus for one reason: because he was God made man.
- James Carroll
the grace of what makes him different, is what enables him to "stand up.
- James Carroll
Restlessness, therefore, is not to be regretted, but marshaled. Humans live toward.
- James Carroll
Discipleship is a commitment to the memory and presence of Jesus Christ that makes a difference in how a life is lived, driving thought and behavior week in and week out.
- James Carroll
Respect for everyone he met. The preference of service over power. The rejection of violence. Israel—its Law and worship—as the primal source of meaning.
- James Carroll
Separated Peter from the vile and suicidal Judas was that he, Peter, had lived long enough to find his offense transformed—through no merit of his own—by the loving acceptance of Jesus. The humiliated Peter was, in the same moment, the forgiven Peter.
- James Carroll
The Holy One's nearness, the readiness to name the Holy One as God, and the recognition of God as Father.
- James Carroll
Apart from the museums that anchor the great cities of Europe and America, the Roman Catholic Church is what remains of "Christendom," the generating aesthetic and intellectual tradition of Western civilization.
- James Carroll
The Jews remain the chosen people of God. The Jewish rejection of Jesus as the Son of God is an affirmation of faith that Christians must respect.
- James Carroll
Indeed, by the time of the Temple destruction, which set in motion the separation of "the Jews" from "Christians," Paul was dead. That is why it is absurd to imagine that he himself caused the separation. Any imagined echo in his multifaceted writing of a distinction between "the Church" and "the Synagogue" resounds anachronistically from a future that did not yet exist—a fully ruptured Israel of which Paul knew nothing.
- James Carroll
The Gospel, expressing Jewish understanding and hope, was a Jewish invention.
- James Carroll
Thou art my beloved Son." Thou: the intimate form of address from God. Nothing could be more powerful, or more permanent, than that. Or more Jewish.
- James Carroll