Quotes from Ellen White
No persons professing to be Christians should enter the marriage relation until the matter has been carefully and prayerfully considered from an elevated standpoint, to see if God can be glorified by the union.
- Ellen White
Action gives power. Entire harmony pervades the universe of God. All the heavenly beings are in constant activity; and the Lord Jesus, in His life work, has given an example for every one.
- Ellen White
If Christians will obey the instructions given to them by Christ and his inspired apostles, they will adorn the religion of the Bible, and save themselves much perplexity and severe trials, which they attribute to their afflictions in consequence of believing unpopular truth.
- Ellen White
Ministers of God's choosing are engaged in a great work. They are warring not merely against men, but Satan and his angels.
- Ellen White
All the food that is put into the stomach that the system cannot derive benefit from, is a burden to nature in her work.
- Ellen White
The perfection of Christian character depends wholly upon the grace and strength found alone in God.
- Ellen White
Those who use tobacco, tea and coffee should lay these idols aside, and put their cost into the treasury of the Lord.
- Ellen White
The young are in great danger. Much evil results from their light and trifling reading. Much time is lost which should be spent in useful employment. Some would even deprive themselves of sleep that they might finish some ridiculous love story.
- Ellen White
Christian sisters should not at any time dress extravagantly, but at all times dress as neat, modest, and healthful, as their work will allow.
- Ellen White
We must let patience have its perfect work, remembering that there are precious promises in the Scriptures for those who wait upon the Lord.
- Ellen White
Ministers have received their wages, and some have their minds too much on their wages. They labor for wages, and lose sight of the sacredness and importance of the work.
- Ellen White
A minister of Jesus Christ should not be regardless of his attitude. If he is the representative of Jesus Christ, his deportment, his attitude, his gestures, should be of that character which will not strike the beholder with disgust.
- Ellen White