Quotes from Ellen White
At the very crisis, when Satan seemed about to triumph, the Son of God came with the embassage of divine grace.
- Ellen White
It is a religious duty for those who cook to learn how to prepare food in different ways, hygienically, for the table, so that it may be eaten with enjoyment.
- Ellen White
I prize my seamstress, I value my copyist; but my cook, who knows well how to prepare the food to sustain life, and nourish brain, bone, and muscle, fills the most important place among the helpers in my family.
- Ellen White
Why should the sons and daughters of God be reluctant to pray, when prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven's storehouse, where are treasured the boundless resources of Omnipotence.
- Ellen White
Do not neglect secret prayer, for it is the soul of religion.
- Ellen White
We are not called upon to enter into controversy with those who hold false theories. Controversy is unprofitable. Christ never entered into it. 'It is written' is the weapon used by the world's Redeemer. Let us keep close to the Word. Let us allow the Lord Jesus and His messengers to testify. We know that their testimony is true.
- Ellen White
Ministers should not pray so loud, and long, as to exhaust the strength. It is not necessary to weary the throat and lungs in prayer. God's ear is ever open to hear the heart-felt petitions of his humble servants, and he does not require them to wear out the organs of speech in addressing him.
- Ellen White
Religion will prove to the believer a comforter and a sure guide to the fountain of true happiness.
- Ellen White
Why the Christian life is so difficult to many is because they have a divided heart. They are double-minded, which makes them unstable in all their ways.
- Ellen White
Ministers should be Bible students. They should thoroughly furnish themselves with the evidences of our faith and hope, and then, with full control of the voice and their feelings, present these evidences in such a manner that the people can calmly weigh them, and decide upon the evidences presented.
- Ellen White
Satan well knows that success can only attend order and harmonious action. He well knows that every thing connected with Heaven is in perfect order.
- Ellen White
I see in Jesus matchless charms. I see in Him everything to be desired by the children of men.
- Ellen White