Quotes from Ellen White
God will never remove every occasion for doubt. He gives sufficient evidence on which to base faith, and if this is not accepted, the mind is left in darkness.
- Ellen White
The effort to grasp the great truths of revelation imparts freshness and vigor to all the faculties. It expands the mind, sharpens the perceptions, and ripens the judgment. The study of the Bible will ennoble every thought, feeling, and aspiration as no other study can. It gives stability of purpose, patience, courage, and fortitude; it refines the character, and sanctifies the soul.
- Ellen White
Remember that you are to live but one day at a time, that God has given you one day, and heavenly records will show how you have valued its privileges and opportunities.—My Life Today, p. 95.
- Ellen White
Choose you this day whom ye will serve. Joshua 24:15.
- Ellen White
That your mind is clouded is no evidence that Christ is not your precious Saviour.
- Ellen White
The servants of Christ were to prepare no set speech to present when brought to trial. Their preparation was to be made day by day in treasuring up the precious truths of God's word, and through prayer strengthening their faith. When they were brought into trial, the Holy Spirit would bring to their remembrance the very truths that would be needed.
- Ellen White
Our time here is short. We can pass through this world but once; as we pass along, let us make the most of life.
- Ellen White
Thus Esau despised his birthright." In disposing of it he felt a sense of relief. Now his way was unobstructed; he could do as he liked. For this wild pleasure, miscalled freedom, how many are still selling their birthright to an inheritance.
- Ellen White
The world, though fallen, is not all sorrow and misery. In nature itself are messages of hope and comfort.
- Ellen White
Satan watches eagerly to find Christians off their guard. O that the followers of Christ would remember that eternal vigilance is the price of eternal life. Many have a slumbering faith.
- Ellen White
The highest evidence of nobility in a Christian is self-control.
- Ellen White
Sensual indulgence weakens the mind and debases the soul. The moral and intellectual powers are benumbed and paralyzed by the gratification of the animal propensities and it is impossible for the slave of passion to realize the sacred obligation of the Law of God, to appreciate the atonement, or to place right value upon the soul.
- Ellen White