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Quotes from Ellen White

Hope thou in God. The Lord Jesus has made it manifest that He regards you at an infinite estimation. He left His royal throne, He left His royal courts, He clothed His divinity with humanity, and died a shameful death upon the cross of Calvary, that you might be saved.—The Review and Herald, June 29, 1897.
- Ellen White
For what was the great controversy permitted to continue throughout the ages? Why was it that Satan's existence was not cut short at the outset of his rebellion? It was that the universe might be convinced of God's justice in His dealing with evil; that sin might receive eternal condemnation.
- Ellen White
Integrity, firmness, and perseverance are qualities that all should seek earnestly to cultivate; for they clothe the possessor with a power which is irresistible—a power which makes him strong to do good, strong to resist evil, strong to bear adversity.
- Ellen White
If you are to be saints in heaven, you must first be saints upon the earth.
- Ellen White
It is through the gift of Christ that we receive every blessing.
- Ellen White
Our lives may seem a tangle; but as we commit ourselves to the wise Master Worker, He will bring out the pattern of life and character that will be to His own glory.
- Ellen White
A man whose heart is stayed upon God is just the same in the hour of his most afflicting trials and most discouraging surroundings as when he was in prosperity, when the light and favor of God seemed to be upon him.
- Ellen White
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things. Matthew 12:35.
- Ellen White
A Christian reveals true humility by showing the gentleness of Christ, by being always ready to help others, by speaking kind words and performing unselfish acts, which elevate and ennoble the most sacred message that has come to the world.
- Ellen White
We do not repent in order that God may love us, but He reveals to us His love in order that we may repent.
- Ellen White
The commendation of apparent friends is more dangerous than reproach.
- Ellen White
And though the eternal reward is not bestowed because of our merit, yet it will be in proportion to the work that has been done through the grace of Christ.
- Ellen White