Quotes from Ellen White
Next to the Bible, nature is to be our great lesson book.
- Ellen White
Nature is the mirror of divinity.
- Ellen White
A person whose mind is quiet and satisfied in God is in the pathway to health.
- Ellen White
All our words and actions pass in review before God.
- Ellen White
God requires his people to shine as lights in the world. It is not merely the ministers who are required to do this, but every disciple of Christ. Their conversation should be heavenly.
- Ellen White
But God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms.
- Ellen White
It is a universal principle that whenever one refuses to use his God-given powers, these powers decay and perish.
- Ellen White
God's promises are all on condition of humble obedience.
- Ellen White
God Himself was crucified with Christ, for Christ was one with the Father.
- Ellen White
We are not our own. We do not belong to ourselves. But we have been purchased with a dear price. We have cost an immense sum, even the sufferings and death of the Son of God.
- Ellen White
The Jews did not go into darkness all at once. It was a gradual work, until they could not discern the gift of God in sending his Son.
- Ellen White
God has set up a high standard of righteousness. He has made plain a distinction between human and divine wisdom. All who work on Christ's side must work to save, not to destroy.
- Ellen White