Quotes from Joe Biden
It is my view that we cannot conduct foreign policy at the extremes.
- Joe Biden
Putin sought to keep Ukraine weak through corruption.
- Joe Biden
When my first semester grades came out, my mom and dad told me I wouldn't be playing football.
- Joe Biden
Don't be intimidated by power, wealth or station, character alone makes all the difference.
- Joe Biden
The idea that you know more than the intelligence community knows, it's a little like saying, I know more about physics than my professor.
- Joe Biden
Most Americans think there's already universal background checks. They don't understand why there wouldn't be a background check to purchase a weapon.
- Joe Biden
Al Qaeda is almost all in Pakistan, and Pakistan has nuclear weapons. And yet for every dollar we're spending in Pakistan, we're spending $30 in Afghanistan. Does that make strategic sense?
- Joe Biden
People should not be in a position where their children have access to weapons and ammunition.
- Joe Biden
When you go to your local police officer, your police chief in the town you live in, big or small, he will tell you the vast majority of the weapons recovered at a crime scene are either stolen weapons, and/or they have been 'lost' or stolen.
- Joe Biden
An abusive relationship is worse than being in prison. I mean literally, not figuratively.
- Joe Biden
There's one advantage in having been around as long as I have. Everybody in the Senate knows me, and - I'm going to say something presumptuous, to repeat myself - I think most respect me.
- Joe Biden
America's experience, like many others, teaches us that fostering entrepreneurship is not just about crafting the right economic policy or developing the best educated curricula. It's about creating an entire climate in which innovation and ideas flourish.
- Joe Biden