Quotes from Darlene Zschech
Working for love instead of from love is the result of making self the God of your heart.
- Darlene Zschech
Jesus is revealed in the changed lives of His beloved children.
- Darlene Zschech
Paul reminds us that "righteous character" brings much glory and praise to God. So I want my life—my decisions and relationships and everyday walk—to be just as much of a worship celebration to my Father God.
- Darlene Zschech
Whatever you sow into God's kingdom, it may leave your hand, but it will never leave your life.
- Darlene Zschech
My friends, because Jesus endured the cross, He has given us the power to endure whatever we must face in life. Even when the sky grows dark and we feel abandoned by all we love, God is there with comfort and healing. Never alone; never forsaken; always loved. That is the promise of the cross. Don't ever lose heart. Look to the cross and victorious King, who conquered sin and death on it. He has overcome the world.
- Darlene Zschech
Prepare for life first thing in the morning. Open your eyes, take a breath, and then thank God for it. With outstretched arms, ask God for wisdom, direction, and courage, that your life would be one of blessing, living as you were designed.
- Darlene Zschech
When the why we do what we do doesn't permeate in all that we do, our value systems give evidence that we do not have enough truth to successfully support what we do and who we are. Our own lack of truth then becomes a stumbling block to sharing the knowledge, vision, and passions behind whatever it is we do and whoever it is we are. We cannot give away what we do not own, and that's why we need to have our own "faith stories" to pass on. As
- Darlene Zschech
Disappointments, a jaded outlook on life—right through to willful sin and pride—are all devastating to our spiritual life. Let's let the warning of the hardhearted remind us to stay open to anything and everything God has to say to us. We do this by staying in His Word, by welcoming His presence as we worship Him, by serving others, and by simply taking the time to listen as He speaks.
- Darlene Zschech
God speaks through Peter to tell us to stay wide-awake in prayer. We get busy with so many distractions that we forget what matters and fall asleep in our spiritual lives. When we sleep spiritually, we forget how many people around us are lost in their sins; we put ourselves in the way of temptation; we stop asking God what His will is for our lives and demand our own way.
- Darlene Zschech
Once again we discover that everything happened according to God's will, not the scheme of men. Oh, Caiaphas played his part. Unable to rouse the crowd through his words, he did all he could to fan the flames of the worst in human emotion: fear, anger, and cruelty.
- Darlene Zschech
As we come to the end of this word from God for all of us who are scattered throughout the world, we are reminded of the beauty and simplicity of pure religion. We learn to ask ourselves a simple question: Is my life an expression of love to God and others? Let's keep it simple, dear friends. Love God. Love others.
- Darlene Zschech
But in each step of the Passion, we don't see a Jesus who is led, but a Jesus who leads. He is the Lord of life. My friends, in our own lives, let's continue to discover the peace and power that comes through following the lead of Jesus in willing obedience.
- Darlene Zschech