Quotes from Gloria Steinem
Learning to accept and even love difference, as she pointed out, is important for the future of the human race. There is great comfort in realizing that differences within a family have an important purpose.
- Gloria Steinem
one writerly habit was describing everything I did, no matter how absorbing or how trivial, as if I were standing outside myself and watching.
- Gloria Steinem
American travel seems to need an advocate.
- Gloria Steinem
The best thing about self-defense is knowing there is a self
- Gloria Steinem
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, and you think it's a pig, it's a pig.
- Gloria Steinem
Perhaps because women are seen as good listeners, I find that a traveling woman - perhaps especially a traveling feminist - becomes a kind of celestial bartender.
- Gloria Steinem
Pound for pound, she was stronger than Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- Gloria Steinem
In retrospect, the second cause for delay makes less feminist sense: the long popularity of assertiveness training. Though most women needed to be more assertive (or even more aggressive, though that word was considered too controversial), many assertiveness courses taught women how to play the existing game, not how to change the rules.
- Gloria Steinem
I took a part-time editing job to pay the rent. It was work I could do at home, but when suddenly I was expected to spend two days a week in the office, I quit, bought an ice cream cone, and walked the sunny streets of Manhattan.
- Gloria Steinem
safety. As Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote, "When the slave leaves bondage, his first act is to name himself.
- Gloria Steinem
The nature and specifics of the negative depend on the part of the country and the year, but the common thread is: self-doubt.
- Gloria Steinem
People want to come home to the church of their childhood without having to leave their adult selves behind.
- Gloria Steinem